The Review's Submissions Guidelines
The Review accepts submissions in the following categories:
Articles should be 5,000 – 10,000 words in length, inclusive of footnotes;
Essays should be 2,000 – 5,000 words in length, inclusive of footnotes;
Case Notes should be 1,000 – 2,000 words in length, inclusive of footnotes;
Letters to the Editor should be 850 – 1,000 words in length, inclusive of footnotes.
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Abstracts should be approximately 500 words in length, inclusive of references.
Unless explicitly stated, The Review does not usually publish book reviews.
The Review does not publish dissertations, previously published works, university assignments, journalistic opinion pieces, or manifestos.
The Submission
1.1 All submissions and enquiries must be sent to
1.2 All submissions must be readable Microsoft Word documents. PDF files will not be accepted.
1.3 All pieces must be submitted before 23:59 on the last day of the submission window.
1.4 Although submissions concerning the law of England and Wales (and EU law) are preferred, The Review may consider comparative pieces concerning international law and other common law jurisdictions. ​
1.5 Abstract submissions are subject to an additional deadline by which they must be completed to be considered for acceptance as a full piece.
1.6 By submitting to The Review, the author is declaring that:
(i) the work is entirely their own;
(ii) any work of others, whether published or not, is properly identified and referenced; and
(iii) they have not and will not publish their piece elsewhere.
The Format
2.1 Formatting: Use Georgia Size 12 for the main body of the submission. Use Georgia Size 10 for the footnotes. Please include page numbers in the bottom right-hand corner. For additional style guidelines, please refer to the Cambridge Law Review Redbook.
2.2 Citation: All footnote citations must be made using Oxford University Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA 4th Ed). No bibliography is required, nor published.
2.3 Cover Page: The first page of your submission should be a cover page that includes the title of the submission, the category of the submission, the author’s full name, the final word count, and a short overview of: (i) the stage of the author’s studies (which year, what academic programme, affiliation) or career, (ii) area(s) of interest, practice or specialty in the law, and (iii) the context in which the work was written (e.g. for a class, for a competition, in response to a recent judicial decision, out of personal interest etc.).
2.4 (Optional) Abstracts: If optionally submitting an abstract, The abstract should consist of: one or two brief sentences stating the legal problem, a summary of the main arguments, and the conclusion. The abstract should not exceed 250 words.
2.5 (Optional) Figures and Tables: Figures and Tables that are essential can be included in the submission. They will be reproduced in black and white in the printed copies.
The Process
3.1. Do not plagiarise. Plagiarised submissions will not be published. Authors will be banned from submitting future work. No exceptions will be made. The Review may use Turnitin or contact authors' academic institutions to prevent academic misconduct. The Review encourages authors to include a declaration of any conflicting interests with their submission.
3.2 All submissions will be anonymised during the editorial process, until publication. The Review practises a double-blind peer review process.
3.3 The Editorial team selects works based on academic merit. Relevant selection criteria include novelty of contribution to the area, extensiveness of legal research, accuracy and coherence in legal argumentation, and the quality of writing.
3.4 The Review is not bound by the advice of the Academic Advisory Board. The decisions taken by the Editors are final.
3.5 Should disagreements arise between the author and reviewing editors, The Senior Editor shall perform an additional round of review.
3.6 All parties who have made a substantive contribution to the submission should be listed as authors. All contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship should be listed in a section entitled 'Acknowledgements'.

Volume V - Piece in Focus
'...The underlying principle of unjust enrichment is corrective justice, which strives to restore parties to their pre-transfer positions...indeed, if we fail to respect [so], any future doctrinal development is highly likely to be unprincipled and detrimental to the rule of law.'
By Alexander Clevewood Ng, Volume V, 2023.